- 2 in 1 design - can be used as a balance bike or kids tricycle
- Metal frame for strength and durability
- Adjustable height seat (33-38cm)
- Non-slip EVA tires for a smooth and safe ride
This Kids Balance Training Bike Toy from HOMCOM is the perfect way to teach your child how to ride a bike. The 2 in 1 design allows it to be used as a balance bike or a tricycle, providing an interesting riding experience for children aged 2-5 years. The metal frame is low slung for easy on and off access, and is strong and reliable for hours of learning and fun. The adjustable height seat can be extended from 33-38cm to accommodate your child's growth, while the non-slip EVA tires ensure a smooth and safe ride.
- Height: 54cm
- Length: 85cm
- Width: 36cm
- Seat Height: 33-38cm