- Helps bike learning for toddlers
- Safe design with low-rise seat and limited range wheel
- Four wheels for stability and balance
- Wide slanted seat with easy-grip handles
- Back toy bin for storage
"Baby Balance Bike Toddler Safe Training 4 Wheels Storage Bin Violet"
- Great for bike training toddlers to develop balance and coordination
- Safe design with low-rise seat and limited range wheel to prevent falls
- Four wheels with shock absorbing rubber tires for a smooth ride
- Wide slanted seat and easy-grip handles for comfort
- Back toy bin for storage of toys or teddy bear
- Dimensions: 42.5H x 57L x 33.5Wcm
- Seat: 27H x 22L x 15Wcm
- Maximum load weight: 20KG
- For ages 18 – 36 months